The Community Park District is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in the course of offering and administering any of its recreation programs, services, park areas, and facilities.

A Note to Parent or Guardian

When present in the classroom with the assigned teacher, children are under the instructor’s supervision.  In all cases, it is understood that children eight years and older are responsible for their own behavior and whereabouts while they are at a program site.  Parents should establish and discuss with their children both drop-off and pick-up arrangements, and guidelines relative to expectations of on-site conduct.

Code of Conduct

To ensure an enjoyable and safe program for all participants, the Community Park District has developed a behavioral code of conduct.

Participant must:
  • Show respect to all participants and staff
  • Refrain from using foul language
  • Refrain from causing bodily harm
  • Treat equipment, supplies and facilities with respect

Temporary removal or permanent suspension from the program and/or facility may result if behavioral standards are not maintained.

Non-Resident Policy

Non-resident enrollment into any Community Park District program is gladly accepted.  Please make note of the following:
  1. Non-residents will pay no more than $10.00 additional for a program, or 50% of the program fee, whichever is the lesser amount (unless otherwise noted).
  2. Non-resident registration begins one week after resident registration (based on availability).
  3. Residents on a waiting list are given first priority when an enrollment becomes available.
Don't know if you are a Park District resident?
Do not know if you are a Park District resident?  The easiest and most positive identification is found on your property tax bill.  If the Community Park District is among those services listed, all residents of that household are residents and receive all resident benefits. Additionally, any address within La Grange Park boundaries will have a 60526 zip code.

Photo/Video Policy

Photos and video footage are periodically taken of people participating in a Park District program or activity, attending a class or event, or using District facilities or property. Please be aware that by registering for a program or class, participating in an activity, attending an event, or using District facilities or property, you authorize the District to use these photos and video footage for promotional purposes in District publications, advertising, marketing materials, brochures, event flyers, social media (including Facebook YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and other social media sites operated by the District), and the District's website without additional prior notice or permission and without any compensation to you. All photos and videos are property of the property of the District.

Military Discount

In appreciation of your service to our country, active duty, active reserve, veterans, retired military, and their immediate family members are eligible to receive a 10% discount off select programs and services at the Community Park District of La Grange Park.


Immediate family members include your spouse and children under age 18. Extended family members and guests are not eligible. Residency does not impact eligibility for the discount. However, program fees will be based on residency. You will need to establish eligibility in person in order for the discount to apply to future online program registration transactions. The Community Park District reserves the right to verify eligibility periodically. Other exclusions apply, please see below.

How to receive the discount:

Each individual requesting the military discount will need to provide a valid military ID, DD214 form with valid driver’s license, VA issued ID card, or a Veterans Designation on your Driver’s License . Children under the age of 18 do not need to provide a military ID as long as they are with their parent that has a valid military ID. Proof of residency will be needed at time of registration to determine the appropriate fee for the discount.

10% discount applies to:

  • Group lessons, select programs, camps, and activities
  • Shelter reservations and general special use permits


  • Private rentals (i.e., recreation center rentals when the facility is not open to general public)
  • Cooperative programming
  • Select contractual programs
  • Private lessons
  • Team league registrations (unless 50% or more of the team is comprised of those eligible for the discount)
  • Concessions
  • Merchandise
  • LPG Parks and Recreation Foundation fundraising events
  • Memorial gift purchases through the Community Park District (memorial bricks, trees, benches, etc.)

Military discounts cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.

Waiting List

If a class reaches its maximum, a waiting list will be maintained.  First priority will be given to La Grange Park residents, regardless of their placement on the waiting list.

eBikes in the Park Policy

We are aware of increased eBike activity throughout the community, and specifically at Memorial Park. Please be aware that these vehicles have recently caused significant damage to the Memorial Park’s turf and recreational areas. It is also important to note that per our General Use Ordinances (4.2.2 and 4.2.3), bicycle traffic is ONLY designated on paved pathways in the parks. Bicycles on the amphitheater, grass retention areas, tennis courts, playgrounds, etc., is strictly prohibited.  


No person shall ride a bicycle across or upon any athletic field, play court, playground, any wet or newly seeded grassy area, or any area on CPD property not specifically designed for bicycle traffic.

No person shall operate a bicycle in a reckless manner so as to endanger pedestrians, the rider or other riders on the bicycle.

Pets in the Park Policy

Animals - No person shall bring any animal in or upon any CPD property without first obtaining a
permit from the CPD, unless enrolled in a park district sponsored dog training program. Service animals are excluded from this policy

We have seen a significant increase in people bringing dogs into park tennis courts. This is in direct violation of park district policy. 

**Dog waste in these courts is not only a public health issue, it is damaging to the courts-especially the courts at Stone Monroe Park, as they are covered in artificial turf.**  

1. Dogs are strictly prohibited from all CPD events, except for special events where animals are part of the event with prior CPD approval; from all athletic fields, all tennis courts, all basketball courts; all playgrounds; and parks, except those designated as “Dog Friendly”.

2. CPD “Dog Friendly Parks” are defined as:
A. Memorial Park
B. Hanesworth Park
C. Robinhood Park
D. Stone Monroe Park

3. No person owning or keeping a dog shall allow such dog to run freely in any park, including “Dog Friendly Parks.”

4. Dogs must be securely fastened and restrained by a leash not more than six feet in length at all times.

5. Dog licenses and proof of vaccinations must be displayed on the dog’s collar.

6. No person owning or keeping a dog shall allow such dog to enter upon or remain upon any area of the park utilized as an athletic field, court, children’s play area, or posted to prohibit dogs.

7. Owners or keepers of dogs shall carry appropriate equipment to and shall immediately clean the dog’s waste and deposit the waste in an appropriate waste receptacle.

8. Aggressive or nuisance animals are prohibited from all parks.

9. Dogs that exhibit aggressive behavior or nuisance barking, must be removed from the park immediately.

10. Any person found in violation of this section shall be fined not less than $50 or more than $250 

Please notify us if you see violations of this policy by emailing 

  • Office Location

    1501 Barnsdale Road
    La Grange Park, IL 60526
  • Office Hours

    Mon - Fri : 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
    Sat - Sun : Closed